1. Be a woman
2. Be Chelsea Watkins
...So, there is that.
1. Don't get embarrassed by the use of the word ballsy. No but seriously, if you blush whenever any sort of remotely off color comment gets made... you'll be staying exactly where you started. The real world uses language that is sometimes offensive. Just prepare yourself a little bit!
2. Instead of using Christian curse words just commit to the real ones. We all know the point you're trying to get across. By channeling parts of Shoot Christians Say I don't know if you're making yourself as relatable as you're hoping. Sorry to say, it sometimes comes off more pretentious than anything else. But then again, I come off as pretentious, so who am I to say?
and last but not least...
3. If your seminary has a dress code, don't be afraid to push the envelope a little bit. Fellas, this means wearing no belt with your tucked in polo and khakis. If you're a lady, get a little crazy and don't put on leggings under your skirt that's already long enough to hide a few small children under. I didn't realize I was pushing the dress code until about a semester in. I blame growing up on the beach-- it didn't prepare me for having to ever dress professionally!
There are plenty of others, but I thought I'd keep it simple.
What tips do you have?