Monday, April 1, 2013

Trust Me, I'm In Seminary...?

Sorry for the long delay in blogging, y'all! It was mid-terms, and then spring break... and then a week of recovery. All that time of travel and catching up with people led me to identify a trend in my life-- since starting grad school, people seem to think I’m suddenly an expert in all sorts of things. I’ve had a lot of people come up to me and say things like:
“Chelsea, you’re a counseling major-- let me spend 20 minutes telling you about this weird thing my friend did. Do you think you could diagnose them for me?”
“Chelsea, you’re in seminary-- what are your thoughts on the theological significance of some minor prophet and what that means for the way I’m going to raise my children?”

...See how under qualified I am for all of this? I mean, I am humbled and flattered by the fact that people seem to think so much of my input but y’all, I’ll let you in on some secrets: 
 1. I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about most of the time. 
 2. I’m usually just making it up as I go.
 3. Until recently I didn’t even know that Obadiah was a real book in the Bible (side note: I still have a hard time finding it).
I am learning so, so much from my time here, but honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever get to a point where I’ll say in a non-ironic way “trust me, I’m in seminary.” Because really, I just don’t think it would be that reassuring of a thing to hear. 
That said, I decided to try and scale where “trust me, I’m in seminary” falls on the level of comfort. It ended up being ranked as more soothing than hearing “trust me, I’m a florist” or “trust me, I wet the bed until I was ten,” but ranked significantly lower than “trust me, I once saved triplets from a burning building” or “trust me, I went to medical school for 8 years.” 
If there is ever an emergency situation, save an exorcism, I don’t know if saying you’re a seminarian will really put anyone’s mind at ease. 
Give it some time though and maybe one day I’ll be able to answer questions and feel pretty secure that I’m not leading you too far astray. But honestly, I don’t know if or when that day will come. So I ask that you bear with me now as I bumble my way through the present.

1 comment:

  1. I was going through my followers list and found your blog... I love it. :) I laughed a lot at the Proverbs 31 woman post because it's so relevant to me, haha. Keep blogging, please.
